Princess Margaret's Visit

Source: Composed by P Kennedy; published in English Dance & Song, July - August 1955, Volume XIX No. 6
Formation: Square

Come Dance & Sing.

The instructions are obscure. This was probably danced once by a demonstration team, then never again. I am not going to try to interpret it. If you come up with a good interpretation please send it to me and I will include it here. Challenges include: Many thanks to Colin hume for his insights; he was just as bemused by the instructions as I was.

Original page from English Dance & Song, July - August 1955

Princess Margaret's Visit

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I'd love to hear from you if you know anything more about this dance, its composer, its style, or its history.

Feedback is very welcome on any aspect of these dances or Web pages.

Please contact John Sweeney with your comments.
