The Fiddler's Elbow

Source: Bernard Chalk; published in English Dance & Song, September 1961, Vol. XXIV. No.5
Formation: Longways; Duple Minor; Proper

A1 All: On the Right Diagonal Allemande Right
Partner Dosido
A2 All: On the Left Diagonal Allemande Left
Partner Swing - finish Facing Down
B1 All: Lead Down (4); Wheel Around or California Twirl
Lead Up (4); #1s Cast to 2nd Place
B2 Right & Left Through x2

Fast 32 bar reels.

This is slightly disorientating for modern dancers who are used to most allemandes being within their minor set or along the lines. In this dance everyone is moving together and half of them are allemanding across the set and out of their minor set. But it is fun once you get it!

The Right & Left Through is a same-gender one. This can be replaced by Four Changes of a Circular Hey, or you can do it as the Americans do: Pass Through by the right shoulder then stand side by side and Wheel Around without touching. This is also known as an Eyes Only Right & Left Through. You can see it being danced here in the B2. It is also quite common for the couples to put their arms around each other for the Wheel Around.

The dance was also published in Zesty Contras in 1983, but the Allemandes are replaced by Pull By and Pull By back to place, and the Right & Left Throughs (shown as an alternate) replaced by Stars.

Original page from English Dance & Song, September 1961

The Fiddler's Elbow

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