Swing Your Opposite Lady

Source: Collected by Maud Karpeles, provided by George Carolin; published in English Dance & Song, April May 1953. Vol XVII. No. 5
Formation: Square

#1 Man Leads #1 Lady to the Right; Circle Left; Neighbour Swing
#1 Man Leads #2 Lady to the Right; Circle Left; Neighbour Swing
#1 Man Leads #3 Lady to the Right; Circle Left; Neighbour Swing - #1 Man is now with #4 Lady
All Promenade to the Man's Home
Men Star Right Half Way; Opposite Swing
Men Star Left Half Way; Partner Swing
All Promenade to the Man's Home

Any tune - originally probably reels, and probably much faster than we dance today.

Maud Karpeles collected this sequence in August in 1929 in the Massachusetts/Connecticut area; she called it "Lead Your Partner to the Right". Maud published it in "Some Additional Figures for Set-Running" in the Journal of the English Folk Dance Society No. 3 in 1930.

It is listed as a Kentucky Running Set figure under the name "Swing the Opposite Lady".

The "Swings" would originally have been Two Hand Turns.

Original pages from English Dance & Song, April May 1953

Swing Your Opposite Lady

Swing Your Opposite Lady

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