Source: Composed by P Kennedy; published in English Dance & Song, July - August 1955, Volume XIX No. 6 Formation: Square
Come Dance & Sing.
The instructions are obscure. This was probably danced once by a demonstration team, then never again. I am not going to try to interpret it. If you come up with a good interpretation please send it to me and I will include it here. Challenges include:
Did they play the same tune as a reel, a waltz, a schottische and a jig, or did they use multiple tunes, but switch back to the main tune for the chorus?
Presumably the repeat is to A2.
What is the timing of B1? And what happens in B2? Do they just stand and sing?
When they cross do the men stay on the right of their partner, or California Twirl, or Wheel Around?
What does "Both once and hands left in situ" mean?
Does he really mean waltz, or does he mean polka (which some consider to be a subset of waltz), i.e. 1, 2, 3, hops?
Skater's hold can mean crossed hands in front or man's right arm behind the lady's head; which does he mean?
Many thanks to Colin hume for his insights; he was just as bemused by the instructions as I was.