Bonny Breast Knot

Source: Traditional, collected by Mary Neal and Clive Carey; published in English Dance & Song, July/August 1956. Vol XX. No. 6
Formation: Longways; Proper; Short sets recommded

A1 #1 Lady Figure Eight Down WHILE #1 Man dances CW around the Second Couple - start by taking right-to-right and the man leading the lady into the Figure Eight
A2 #1 Man Figure Eight Down WHILE #1 Lady dances AC around the Second Couple - start by taking left-to-left and the lady leading the man into the Figure Eight
B1 #1s Lead Down, #2s Follow, Turn Alone
#2s Arch, all dance back to original places
B2 Swing & Change
OR Full Poussette (1 & 1/2 times) AC

Own 32 bar tune.

This was a popular tune, so there were probably many dances done to it. Two have been documented well, this one, and a Devon version.

The Swing & Change is commonly done as a Polka these days. If beginners, who can't Polka, are having difficulty getting one and a half times around each other, then I get them to do a one and a half anti-clockwise Poussette instead.

Original page from English Dance & Song, July/August 1956

Bonny Breast Knot

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Please contact John Sweeney with your comments.
