Tuesday Child

Source: Brian Jones; published in English Dance & Song, Spring 1968, Volume XXX No. 1
Formation: Longways; Duple Minor; Proper

A1 #1s Half Figure Eight Down
Partner Pull by Right; Neighbour Allemande Left
A2 Ladies' Chain x2 - finish Facing Down
B1 Down the Hall in Lines of Four, Turn Alone
Up the Hall in Lines of Four, Bend the Line
B2 Circle Left
#2s Half Figure Eight Down

32 bars, smooth "medium pace" reels. Of course the definition of "medium pace" varies by country and century!

If you face across the set then the Right & Left Through in A1 starts unusually with the Men on the Right. You could do the conventional version of the move if you do it up and down the set, but then the transition at the end of A2 into Lines of Four doesn't look very smooth. Of course Right & Left Through has many meanings: for example with or without hands, with or without courtesy turns. The note in A2 is a clue I think; so my interpretation is as above: pull by right across the set, the turn the left hand move with your neighbour into an Allemande and the man scoops the lady up to finish facing across ready for the Ladies' Chain.

To end up facing down at the end of A2, one couple does a 3/4 Courtesy Turn, the other does 1 & 1/4.

The article covers two dances; the other one is Dick Witt's Circle Mixer.

Original page from English Dance & Song, Spring 1968D

Tuesday Child

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