Mollie's Salute

Source: John Lagden; published in English Dance & Song, Winter/Christmas 1969. Volume XXXI. No. 4
Formation: Longways; Proper

A1 Star Right
#1s Cast WHILE #2s Lead Up holding Right Hands (4)
All: Partner Box the Gnat (4)
A2 Star Left
#2s Cast WHILE #1s Lead Up holding Left Hands (4)
All: Partner Swat the Flea (4)
B1 Partner Balance & Swing - finish Proper
B2 Half Poussette CW (#1 Lady Pulls)
Partner Dosido

32 bar jigs.

I would do the Balance as (Step Right, Kick Left, Step Left, Kick Right) x2.

Original page from English Dance & Song, Winter/Christmas 1969

Mollie's Salute

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