Saraband Waltz

Source: Traditonal; published in English Dance & Song, Spring 1970. Vol XXXII. No. 1
Formation: Sicilian Circle

From the Article
A1 Wristlock Star Right
A2 Wristlock Star Left
B1 [Balance the Ring; Men Roll the Ladies from Left to Right] x4
B2 Waltz 1 & 1/2 times AC around the other couple to progress

Waltz Country Dance: Modern Version
A1/A2 Using Right Hands: (Neighbour Balance & Box the Gnat; Partner Balance & Box the Gnat) x 2
B1/B2 (Balance the Ring; Men Roll the Ladies from Left to Right) x4
C1 Waltz 1 & 1/2 times AC around the other couple to progress

Usually these days the music is 32 bars plus 8 bars for the waltz on to the next couple. Any suitable waltz will work.

The Waltz Country Dance was published in Community Dances Manual 1 in 1949. It is the same as the modern version described above except that the Box the Gnat was originally just a Pass Through.

The timing in the article is not clear. Both stars would normally only take one A music but two are provided; the Balance & Rolls take two B musics, but only one is provided!

The handwritten notes from the Tully interview (page 216) say, "Saraband Waltz is W.C.D., but 1st R & L is as in usual tradl. Circassian C. ie. ladies cross etc.".

Fro non-waltzers I usually use my version.

Original page from English Dance & Song, Spring 1970

Saraband Waltz

Saraband Waltz

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