Linda's Waltz

Source: Eric G. Kitchener; published in English Dance & Song, Summer 1978. Vol XL. No. 2
Formation: Circle; Men with Backs to the Middle

A1 Take Two Hands with Partner: Chassée AC (2); Chassée CW (2); Balance Forward & Back (2); Half a Two Hand Turn (2)
A2 Take Two Hands with Partner: Chassée CW (2); Chassée AC (2); Balance Forward & Back (2); Half a Two Hand Turn (2)
B1 On the Right Diagonal: Allemande Right (4); Partner Allemande Left (4)
B2 Take Close Hold with the person on the Right Diagonal (New Partner): Waltz

Any suitable 32 bar waltz.

"Waltz on" probably means to waltz around the circle in an anti-clockwise direction. This will probably be the most challenging part of the dance for many modern dancers.

Original page from English Dance & Song, Summer 1978

Linda's Waltz

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