
Source: Madeleine Hollis (now Madeleine Smith); published in English Dance & Song, Summer 1983 Volume 45 Number 2
Formation: Longways; Improper

A1 Neighbour Swing
Long Lines Go Forward & Back
A2 Partner Mirror Dosido (#1s Pass Right Shoulder, #2s Left)
Partner Swing - finish Facing New Neighbours
B1 Gypsy Hey for Three Couples:
Promenade AC around New Neighbours; Promenade CW around Original Neighbours
B2 New Neighbours: Star Left; Original Neighbours: Star Right

32 bar reels or jigs.

Lots of out-of-set action in the B part, so dancers at the ends of the set need to stay alert and join in where needed.

Original pages from English Dance & Song, Summer 1983



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