A1 |
Up a Double & Back (4)
Right Hand High, Left Hand Low - invert to Face Down (2) Set (R/L) (2) |
A2 |
Down a Double & Back (4)
Right Hand High, Left Hand Low - invert the line (2) Bend the Line into a Circle with Middle Facing Up (2) |
B1 |
Balance the Ring (2)
Middle step Forward, Others Face Down to an Ocean Wave Balance the Wave (R/L) (2) Those who can Allemande Right 1/2. Those who can Allemande Left 1/2 (Also known as a Swing Through) (2+2). |
B2 | Wide Hey - New Middle starts Right Shoulder with the dancer on the Right - finish Facing Up in a Line with that New Middle in the Middle. |
A1 | 3s: Hey for Three (middle person turn left and start left shoulder) |
A2 |
On the Diagonal: Pull By Right, Pull By Left, Pull By Right, Pull By Left (progressing two places to the Right - your new Home)
Stand still if there is no-one there to Pull By |
B1 | 2s: Figure Eight round 3s: through the gap in front of you, turn right, round one, through the same gap, turn left, round one to Home |
B2 | The middle person in the line of 3: Star Left (Three-Hand Star) on the Left; Star Right on the Right (Three-Hand Star) - flow into the Hey… |
A1 |
Up a Double & Back towards The Bug then make Long Lines WHILE
The Bug strolls/dances down the Middle |
A2 | Unzip the Line: When the Bug gets to the bottom, they stay facing down, cross their arms and connect to the bottom of both lines, then Back Up making an Arch with the higher arm and drawing one line through until everyone is in a Circle |
B1 | Circle Left; Circle Right |
B2 |
The Bug Swings someone, then everyone Swings someone
The odd dancer is The New Bug and goes to the Top Everyone else makes a Longways Set facing the Bug |
The Moon & Seven Stars
Source: Composed by Jim McKinney Formation: Seven Dancers In Two Lines of Three with One Dancer at the Top
Music: 32 bars. Notes: Make sure you turn all the stars all the way, then step through quickly; at the bottom and the top turn quickly to face back so that you are ready for the next move. Six Plus One Source: Composed by ? Formation: Seven Dancers in a Square, but Singleton Heads and a Kingpin in the Middle Facing Up
Music: 32 bars. Notes: T for Truro Source: Composed by Beryl Jukes Formation: Make a four couple Becket set then get the top man to lead his line up and left to make the top of the T.
Music: 32 bars. Beryl says, "I found Sound Company’s track "Songs without Words" suited the dance well." Notes: The callers at Truro club were asked to write a dance for their Ruby Anniversary and this is it! Westward Ho! Source: Composed by Chris Turner Formation: Nine Dancers in a Three by Three Grid
Music: 32 bars. Notes: There are multiple variations on the B2. The one described here is the most recent that Chris has taught me. Here is Chris's published version: Treis Tria Source: Composed by John Sweeney Formation: Three Lines of Three Like the Spokes of a Wheel
Music: 32 bars. Notes: Don't grip during the "Left Hand High, Right Hand Low" moves as the middle dancer has to follow the end dancer through the arch. Shoot the Owl: The end dancers make an arch and propel the middle dancer through it. Polka Swing: Travel anti-clockwise around the whole set while circling left (i.e. clockwise) in your threes. One person pauses and rotates the other two around them, then the next person pauses, and so on. Basket: Inside Basket is optional: cross your hands and hold hands in a circle. Re-eleven. Source: Composed by Phil Preen Formation:
Music: 32 bars. Notes: Alt. B1: Change Balance & Kick to Turn Single Alt. B: Change second half of each B to Eight Steps and leave out the Balance & Kick The title is a play on "Reel", another name for a Hey. Double Take Source: Composed by Beryl Jukes Formation: Four Trios (Lady, Man, Lady) in a Square
Music: 32 bars. Notes: The ladies move one place AC each time; eight times through gets you home. Square --- NOT! Source: Composed by Peter Stix Formation: Six Couples in Three Lines of Four, in a Triangle.
Music: 32 bars. Notes: In the Ladies' Chain the Ladies all Star Right all the way to their Corner. Pass five men, counting your partner as number one. It is easier for the men to just work out which lady is in front of their current partner - take her out and turn her - she is your new partner. The men don't move from their home position, so it is their responsibility to remake the lines correctly. Something Elsche Source: Composed by Ægle Hoekstra Formation: Six Couple Square - Two Couples in a Line on each Side.
Music: 32 bars. Notes: Ladies dance in all six places; Men are home after three times through. Severn Bore Source: Composed by ? Formation: Longways for Seven Couples
Music: 48 bars. Notes: Start with lots of space above the set! This would normally be a symmetrical ceilidh swing rather than a ballroom-hold swing. Val's Heptagon Source: Composed by Chris Turner Formation: Seven Couples in a Circle Here is Chris's published version: Double Trouble Source: Sets in Order? Formation: Square
Music: 48 bars. Notes: Can also do Doubled R&L Through; Hey for Four Doubles; etc. Ladies Walk Around Their Contra Source: ? Formation: Becket Trios: Lady-Man-Lady facing Lady-Man-Lady
Music: 40 bars. Notes: It is important to make the dancers understand that the Promenades are around the whole set. All Dosidos are across the set.
I'd love to hear from you if you try this dance. |