Dances from English Dance & Song - 1921-1989

EDS 1929 EDS 1929 EDS 1929 EDS 1929

English Dance & Song and its predecessor, E.F.D.S. News, are published by the English Folk Dance & Song Society.


These pages, from 1921 to 1989, are reproduced with kind permission of the
English Folk Dance & Song Society. The dances were submitted to the magazine so as to reach as wide an audience as possible. Publishing them here will help to further that aim.

I have done my best to seek permission from any other relevant copyright holders and they are acknowledged where appropriate. If you are a copyright holder and are concerned that content for which you have not given permission is displayed, then please contact me, John Sweeney , so that I may either acknowledge you or remove the content as requested.

If you can provide any more information about any of these dances, their composers, their style, their tempo or their history, then please contact me, John Sweeney, so that I can add that information here.

Thanks to Chris Turner for lending me the old copies of ED&S, and to Malcolm Barr-Hamilton, Archivist at The Vaughan Williams Memorial Library, for scanning the dance pages from the issues that I didn't have.

Articles from English Dance and Song

Some of the dances have interesting articles associated with them:

Historical Background & Gender

These historical articles are reproduced exactly as they were originally printed in the twentieth century; many callers today will choose to modify the instructions. Words such as "Balance", "Allemande" and "Swing" have been used by different dancing masters to mean many different things. I use Allemande to mean Hand Turn or Arm Turn. Styles, tempos and nomenclature vary depending on the century, the country, the dance genre and countless other factors. For example, a Ladies' Chain in the mid-twentieth century would almost always be there and back, while now it usually means just one crossing. (As discussed below, there is a move away from using the gendered term "Ladies' Chain".)

For each dance I have provided both the original page from the magazine and my own interpretation of the dance in an attempt to clarify what the original author may have meant. I have used the words that I use when I am calling today in 2023. Where a dances has multiple versions or a historical background I have provided all the information that I can find about the dance. I also provide other ideas and teaching tips, and refer to other sources where relevant.

One of the big changes that has taken place, starting in the late twentieth century, is to move to completely gender-free dancing. Most dances involve couples, traditionally one man and one woman, and the instructions use the terms Man/Woman or Ladies/Gents or (in
Modern Western Square Dancing) Boys/Girls, or even the rather unbalanced Men/Girls! This hasn't stopped couples of the same gender dancing together. It is quite common for there to be more women than men at a dance, and rather than sitting out the women will dance together. This is not a new concept; there are historical records of couple arriving at a dance together, but the men mostly retiring to the gaming room to gamble, drink and smoke, while the women dance. While there being more women present than men is very common, there are also occasions when there are more men and they dance together, especially in historical communities like the western frontiers of America, or the Australian colonies, where there just weren't enough women around.

In Thomas Wilson's 1816 The Complete System of English Country Dancing (page 264) he states, "Two Ladies, or two Gentlemen, cannot Dance together, without permission of the Master of the Ceremonies; nor can permission be given while there are an equal number of Ladies and Gentlemen." The need to provide such an instruction implies that same-gender couples were common at that time.

For more examples see WELCOME TO GENDER-FREE DANCING! A Historical Perspective.

Male-Biased Instructions

The early dances address most of the instructions to the man. Here is one of the instructions from "Blew Cap", the second dance in John Playford's 1651 "The English Dancing Master": "First man set to his owne, the last man set to his owne, the 2. man salute his own and turn her". This is from "Noahs Flood" in the pre-Playford Lovelace Manuscript: "till the first hath sett to his mate, and then the 2nd man shall turn round his mate"

Not all instructions are quite so biased! Mostly the instructions just use gendered terms and are mainly directed at the man. For example, from "The Old Man with a Bed full of bones" in the Lovelace Manuscript: "the first man shall take his woeman by both hands and shall leade her down side long, allmost to ye bottome, very quickly"

These days we would just say "Top couple Gallop down". There are many references to "leading", but of course, in general, there is no "Lead & Follow" in country dancing - see Lead & Follow in Contra Dance and Other Styles.

Male bias is also seen in the fact that if only one of the top couple is involved in a figure, then First Man will normally get to do the figure first. Also in figures like Promenade the Square, or Double Cast, the woman always has to travel further than the man!

This male bias is despite the fact that the ladies were often in charge. Wilson states, "On entering the Ball Room, each Lady intending to dance, must be presented by the Master of the Ceremonies with a ticket, on which is inscribed the number of her call". When it was her turn the lady would instruct the band and the MC as to the required tune and her planned figures, then lead the dance with her partner, progressing down the set so that the other couples could, eventually, join in. (Note: this is not "calling" as we know it today. She would choose the tune and the figures and help the MC to inform any other sets as to the details of the dance, but it is unlikely that there were instructions called out to everyone in the room during the dance.)

Unbiased Instructions

Throughout the second half of the twentieth century there was a general move towards less biased instructions. An instruction such as "Swing the one on your right" was intended only for the men; if everyone tried to execute it then chaos would ensue! This was replaced by "Swing your Neighbour" which applies to everyone. Postional terms such as "First Corners" rather then "First Man & Second Lady" likewise apply to everyone.

Whereas earlier dances often provide much more action for the First Couple, much late-twentieth-century and modern choreography provides equal action for everyone, though gendered terms such as Men Allemande Left and Ladies' Chain are still widely used.

From the 1970s onwards there were groups that wanted to be more inclusive and started calling without reference to gender. In some cases this led to keeping the roles, but providing new names for them; by the early 21st century the most general terms were Larks (on the Left) and Robins (on the Right) (previously Ravens). In the communities that use this terminology, this allows those who want to dance as same-gendered couples or who do not conform to a traditional gender identity, and those who want to experience both roles, to do so without being called "men" and "women" and without any judgement..

Another fun development was the concept of a Chaos Line; at some dances there will be a statement such as, "For the first dance after 9pm the line by the windows will be a Chaos Line". The dancers in that line, for that dance, are encouraged to change gender or partners as often as they like as long as they don't disrupt the dance!

Gender-Free Calling - Positional Calling and Global Teaching

The concepts of refering to position within the dance (e.g. First Corners) or within the room (e.g. those facing the bar) and of Global Teaching (talking to as many people at once as possible) have been around for a long time; Morris Dancing has always used them (First Corners Cross, Middles Go Left, Evens Turn Out). "On the First Corner' is a good example of Positional Calling (when those people aren't the original First Corners) and "First Corners" is a good example of Global Teaching, as is "Poussette Anticlockwise".

Since at least the 1970s these concepts have been used in some country dance communities to call dances without any reference to gender. In the 1980s Carl Whitman was instrumental in the creation of The Heather and The Rose for communities that fully embrace gender-free calling. While many callers used many of these concepts to improve their calling, it is only in the early 21st century that completely gender-free calling has become much more common. For lots more information on how to use Global Teaching and Positional Calling, which many callers consider a vast improvement on Larks/Robins, please see:

Gender-free calling: why does it matter? by Lisa Heywood

Get into position for social dancing by Louise Siddons

Dancing the Whole Dance: Positional Calling for Contra by Louise Siddons

Global Teaching and Positional Calling by Brooke Friendly

Dancing the Whole Dance: ECD - Global/Positional Strategies for Teaching, Learning, and Dancing English Country Dance by Brooke Friendly


While gender-free dancing is intended to be inclusive, some people actually feel excluded by it. That said, many of its harshest critics state quite plainly that they have no problem with global/positional calling when done well (and often don't notice it). It is important for callers and organisers to understand the needs of their particular communities at each point in time.


So, when studying the original documents on these pages, please understand that they are a product of their times. They were written at a time when using role names such as Men and Women was the standard way of documenting and calling a dance. Of course you are welcome to interpret the dances any way you wish and change the terminology to suit your own calling style. If you produce gender-free versions of any of them please send them to me and I will be happy to add them to these pages. I hope you have fun calling and dancing some of these dances.

The Dances

Contra and Longways dances are all Duple Minor unless stated otherwise. "Improper" is short for "First Couples Improper".

Dance Name Composer/Collector Formation Published Notes
A Nutting We Will Go Traditional Longways; Proper 1941 Arches, Swing & Change.
Abergenny Playford 1657, interpreted by Colin Hume Longways; Four Couples; Proper 1985 Part of a detailed article about interpreting Playford.
An Adventure at Margate Killern Longways; Proper 1975 1780 dance with Rigadoon steps.
Alan's Choice Alan Wilson Sicilian Circle 1973 Ladies' Chains and Arches: under & backup over.
The Albert Memorial Square Pat Shaw Square 1971 California Twirls, Ladies' Chains and Open Star Promenades.
All The Way To Galway Rich Castner Longways; Improper 1955 Easy 1950s style American contra dance.
Anne's Reel John B. Hyland Longways; Four Couples; Proper 1984 An easy dance with a Double Cast through an Arch.
Anniversary Reel Jean & Ted Sanella Longways; Improper 1966 Allemandes, Chases, Leads, Circles, Stars — lots of easy moves.
Aunt Hessie's White Horse Traditional, South Africa Circle Mixer 1971 Siding, Dosidos & Swings.
Barkisland Dance Traditional Longways; Proper 1982 Stars. Handshaking, Clapping and Stepping.
Barbary Bell Traditional Longways; Proper 1950 Arching, Twirling and Swing & Change.
The Beauty in Tears Waltz Barry Moule Sicilian Circle 1972 Waltz time dance with zig-zag chassées into Stars.
Bill's Rant Ron Beeson Longways; Improper 1981 Gypsies and Arches with Rant Step.
Birthday Gallop Audrey Heritage Longways; Four Couples; Proper 1983 Easy dance with Gallops, Circle, Stars and a Swing.
Black Mary’s Hornpipe John Offord Longways; Proper 1986 Nottingham Swing using Five-Steps to a 3/2 Hornpipe.
Bonny Breast Knot Traditional Longways; Proper 1956 A Sussex dance with Figure Eights and Swing & Change.
The Bradstow Reel Eddie Upton Sicilian Circle 1984 Hornpipe Stepping with extended North Country Ladies' Chains and Star Promenades.
Brian's Reel Les Wooton Sicilian Circle; Three Facing Three 1967 Circles, Heys and a Right-Hand-High-Left-Hand-Low.
Bridgwater Bay Hugh Rippon Three Couples; Longways; Proper 1973 Alternating Stars & Dip & Dives.
The Butterfly Traditional Longways; Proper 1941 Arches, Swing & Change.
Canadian Breakdown Ralph Page Longways; Improper 1968 An early modern American contra.
Capt. Catton's Maggot Johnson, interpreted by Bernard Bentley Longways; Proper 1969 Leads, Casts, Figure Eights and Four Changes.
Captain Macintosh Thomas Wilson
Pat Shaw
Three Couples; Longways; Proper 1963 Two dances, one with Heys and a fast full Draw Poussette, one with diagonal Figure Eights.
Celebration Special Lena Rees Longways; Improper 1977 A standard contra, but with the action up and down the set instead of across the set.
Chapel Hill Contra Beth Okun Longways; Improper 1980 An American Contra from the 1970s.
Chester Races Preston 1791 Longways; Proper; Triple Minor or Three Couples 1956 #1s working separately with the ends of the set.
Childwall Chimes Kathleen Freeman Longways; Improper 1967 Gallops, Heys and Circles.
Chinese Breakdown Barry Moule Square 1974 Lots of Allemandes, Ladies' Chains & Right & Left Throughs.
Circassian Circle Traditional Sicilian Circle and Circle Mixer 1948 Easy finisher plus its antecedents.
Clark's Reel Bill Yeomans Circle Mixer 1965 Easy mixer with an opportunity for the caller or dancers to choose their own figures.
Cloverleaves Madeleine Hollis (now Madeleine Smith) Longways; Improper 1983 Interleaved Heys for three couples, lots of out-of-set action.
Cockleboat Jig J. E. Smart Longways; Proper 1954 Circle, Lines, diagonal Figure Eights.
The College Hornpipe Asa Willcox, Thomas Wilson, Thomas Hardy Triple Minor 1926 Lots of different versions!
The Comet Thompson (1758) interpreted by Kathryn and David Wright Longways; Proper 1986 Foot It, Two Changes and Figure Eights.
Corn Rigs Tony Foxworthy Longways; Proper; Triple Minor; Duple Minor or Three Couples 1970 Signature figure: Back Door Key - a chase.
The Coronet Pat Shaw Square 1953 Signature figure: A coronet to celebrate the coronation.
Cottagers Traditional Sicilian Circle 1938 North Country Ladies' Chains.
The Cricklepit Waltz Dennis Darke Longways; Improper 1970 A waltz-time dance with twirls and waltzing.
Crockett's Walk St, Helen's Group Longways; Proper 1956 An easy dance.
Cuckolds All A-Row Playford 1651 Two Couples 1983 With video of Cecil Sharp dancing it!
Cumberland Galopede Traditional, Michael Bell Longways for 4 or 5 Couples; Proper 1954 Easy dance.
Cumberland Square Eight Traditional Square 1939 Gallops, Stars & Baskets.
Danish Double Quadrille Traditional Double Sicilian 1952 Leads, Right & Lefts, Circle and Polkas.
The Dashing White Sergeant Mark Berry's interpretation of Mozart Allen's 1880 dance Longways; Proper 1967 A completely different dance to the same tune.
Derry Down Derry Traditional Four Couples; Longways 1941 Heys, Casts, Thread the Needles with Set re-orientation.
The Devon Jig Traditional Four Couples (or Five or Six); Longways; Proper 1971 Arches & Alternating Double Casts.
Dick Witt's Circle Mixer Dick Witt Circle Mixer 1968 A version of the Lancashire Reel/Cincinnati Reel with a reverse promenade.
Dorset Four-Hand Reel Traditional Two Couples in a Line 1982 Heys & Stepping.
The Dorset Ring Dance Traditional Circle 1950 Very easy.
The Dorset Triumph Thomas Hardy Longways; Proper 1966 Two men make an arch over a lady - lots of versions.
Double Lead Through Traditional Longways; Proper 1946 Ranting plus Swing & Change.
Double Silver Jubilee Graham Jones Longways; Indecent (Second Couples Improper); Double Progression 1978 Lots of fun moves including California Twirls and Four Leaf Clovers.
Down Back o' t' Shoddy Traditional Longways; Proper 1982 Stars. Handshaking, Clapping and Stepping.
Dummer's Five Hand Reel Traditional Five Dancers in a Circle & a Cross 1982 Heys, Stepping and Baskets with innovative ways to make the Basket!
Dunham Oaks Brian Wedgbury Longways; Improper 1973 A dance in Playford style.
East Meets West Herbie Gaudreau Longways; Improper 1964 Ladies' Chains and Do Pasos.
Easter Saturday Barry Gant Five Couples; Longways; Proper 1972 Baskets for three and Heys for five.
Eightsome Reel Traditional Square 1938 Lots of polkaing around the set.
Elsie's Special Alan Wilson Sicilian Circle 1974 Ladies' Chains and zigzag chassées.
English Reels Traditional Various 1938 Cottagers, Six Reel, Three Reel, Eightsome Reel.
Epping Hunt Gray, interpreted by Pat Shaw Longways; Proper 1976 Fast interlocking diagonal Gypsies.
The Fair Quaker of Deal Playford
Pat Shaw & A.Simons
Longways; Proper 1960 Playford with Setting, Back Rings and Lead Outs.
Faithless Nancy Dawson Anna Bidder Longways; Proper 1964 Easy 20-bar dance.
Farmers Quadrille Dr. A. J. Edwards Square 1976 Visiting square with Dosidos & Right & Left Throughs.
Festival Square Stan Chart Square 1969 A Square with a very simple Figure, but three different Breaks.
The Fiddler's Elbow Bernard Chalk Longways; Proper 1961 Contra with everyone moving independently and Same Gender Right & Left Throughs
Figure Seven Traditional Three Couples; Longways; Proper 1967 Figure Eight variations.
The Fireman's Dance William F Bacon (1887) Double Contra or Double Sicilian Circle 1940 Half the room galloping one way while the other half dances the other way.
The Five-Hand Reel Traditional Five Dancers in a Cross 1965 Stepping & Heys.
The Four-Hand Reel Traditional Two Couples in a Line 1982 Heys & Stepping.
Frances Ann's Delight George Middleton Longways; Proper 1975 Playford style dance.
Freda's Fancy Pat Shaw Sicilian Circle 1967 Lots of interaction with the couple in front and the couple behind.
Friday Night Special Sam Flinders Sicilian Circle Mixer 1966 Dip 'n' Dive and Ladies' Chains with Power Turns.
Galopede Traditional Longways for 4 or 5 Couples; Proper 1954 Easy dance.
Galopade Country Dance Traditional Longways; Rifleman/Becket 1949 Interesting Promenade variation plus North Country Ladies' Chains.
Ghoul's Gavotte Eric Probert Longways; Proper 1982 Peeking, shouting and Ducking for Oysters.
Gipsy Hill Jig Irene Harcourt Three Couples; Longways; Proper 1964 Heys & Progressive Grand Chains.
The Gipsy's Wedding Pat Shaw Square 1955 A simple Square Dance.
A Golden Day Dorothy Bradbury Longways; Four Facing Four; Waltz Time 1982 An easy Waltz-time dance finishing with a Dip 'n' Dive.
Gone For A Burton John Ritchie Sicilian Circle 1968 An easy Waltz-time dance.
The Goodfellows Ron Beeson Three Couples; Longways; Proper 1974 Weave the Lines, Gallops & Swings.
The Hair's Maggot
(The Hare's Maggot)
Playford 1703, Interpreted by Pat Shaw Longways; Proper 1959 Triple time dance with wide flowing figures.
Haste to the Wedding (Sussex & Dorset) Traditional Longways; Proper 1940 "Pop" the dancer through the arch.
Hayden's Wheel Ernest R. Jessup Sicilian Circle 1974 Fun dance that switches between one big circle and a Sicilian Circle,
Heather Towers John Lagden Longways; Improper 1983 Allemandes, Dosidos, Casts and a Draw Poussette.
Hey Boys Up We Go Playford 1651 Two Couples 1983 With video of Cecil Sharp dancing it!
Hillside Reel Dulcie King Longways; Improper 1959 Flowing stars, allemandes and heys.
Holborn March Daniel Wright (1742), interpreted by Pat Shaw Longways; Proper 1965 Stars, Casts & Figure Eights.
The Holly Berry Traditional Longways for Four to Eight Couples 1981 Easy dance with Gallops, Stars and Double Casts.
The Holmfirth Square Eileen Keys Square 1980 Easy dance with Arches and Grand Chain.
Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight Traditional; Keith Uttley Square 1954 Popular 1950s square dance.
Hull's Victory Douglas Kennedy Longways; Proper 1939 Early American contra with lots of Waves.
The Huntsman's Chorus Traditional Longways; Whole Set — Eight or More Couples; Proper 1965 Lines Gallops, Arches and Casts.
I've Been To Harlem Richard Chase Circle Mixer 1940 Simple 16 bar dance for when you have too many men or ladies.
I've Been To Ireland, I've Been To Dover Mr. & Mrs. Victor Simpson Circle Mixer 1949 A singing game.
If I Had Maggie In The Wood Colin Hume Sicilian Circle Mixer 1984 Ladies' Chains, Arches and changing partners.
The Indian Princess Colin Hume Circle Mixer 1984 A easy Playford-style mixer with a Grand Chain.
Jack Pudding Playford Three Couples Longways or in a Triangle 1953 Three figures and choruses with countless interpretations.
Jane 'n' Ted's Ruby Reel Ernest R Jessup Longways; Improper 1978 An easy dance with a Full Hey (rant step).
John Brown's Body Muriel Davies Square 1953 An easy square dance.
Johnson's Special Rickey Holden Longways; Improper 1954 An easy American contra dance.
The Jubilee Thomas L. Cook Longways; Improper 1963 A contra dance with lots of Spin the Tops.
Jubilee Roundabout Freda Burford Circle Mixer 1961 The winner of the ED&S 1961 Jubilee Dance Competition.
Jubilee Triumph Peter Spensley Three Couple; Longways; First Couple Improper 1962 Triumphal Arches over the ladies.
Kendal Ghyll Traditional Three Couple; Longways; Proper 1966 Grimstock Heys with Handkerchiefs.
Kennet Circle Dance Pauline Wilson Circle Mixer 1964 Easy Circle Mixer.
The Kentish Ramble Keith Uttley Square 1961 Rant; Intersecting Heys. North Country Ladies' Chains.
Kettle Drum Playford, Mabel Clayden Square 1940 Multiple interpretations of incomprehensible words!
The Kitchen Lancers Traditional Square 1979 Five sets of figures.
Kilham Capers Kathleen Mitchell Four Couples; Longways; Proper 1973 Circles, Stars, Double Cast, Lines & Gallops.
La Russe Quadrille Traditional Square 1948 Swinging, visiting and Dip 'n' Dive.
The Lacemaker Geoffrey Mendham Three Couples; Longways; #2s Improper 1974 Grand Chain with Arming 1 & 1/2 instead of Pull Bys.
Ladies' Fancy David Anderson (1886) Longways; Proper 1966 Baskets, Leads, Stars, Polkas.
The Lass of Richmond Hill Kate Riley Longways; Proper 1966 Leads and Crosses.
Left Right and Centre Geoff Todd Longways; Three Couples; Proper 1987 A competition winner with clever Wheel Arounds into a Circle plus lots more.
Levi Jackson Rag Pat Shaw Five Couples in a Horseshoe 1989 Right & Left Throughs and Ladies's Chains in an interesting formation.
The Lincolnshire Poacher Ellen Taylor Three Couples; Longways; Proper 1978 A competition winner with Heys and Figure Eights.
Linda's Waltz Eric G. Kitchener Circle Mixer 1978 An easy waltz-time dance, with an eight-bar waltz at the end.
Loxley Figure Eight Traditional Three Couples; Longways; Proper 1967 Figure Eights & Arches.
Lucky Seven Traditional Circle Mixer 1958 An easy dance with a Grand Chain (Grand Right & left).
Luton Town John Lester Becket Sicilian 1970 Winner of a Best Party Dance competition.
Margaret's Waltz Pat Shaw Sicilian Circle 1959 Waltz time: Allemandes, Chains, Chassés and Stars.
The Madley Figure Eight Traditional Three Couples; Longways; Proper 1967 Casting into Figure Eights.
Maidens' Carousel Jack Atkinson Square 1953 The ladies get to sit on the men's joined arms!
The Malthouse Roger Watson Circle Mixer 1983 Hornpipe Stepping with Waves and Poussettes.
Meg Merrilees Maud Karpeles Longways; Improper 1936 Easy early American contra.
The Merry Girls Of Epsom Rutherford, interpreted by Henry Garfath Longways; Proper 1976 An easy dance with Gallops and Rights & Lefts.
Moll In The Wad Sylvia Thursfield Longways; Proper 1953 Easy dance with a Double Cast in Gay Gordon's Hold.
Mollie's Salute John Lagden Longways; Proper 1969 An easy dance in a traditional style, with Box the Gnat and Swat the Flea.
Money Musk Bicky McLain Longways; Proper; Triple Minor 1953 A very popular contra with stepping in Head & Side lines.
Monks Orchard Rant Ron Jones Longways; Improper 1975 Arches, Gypsys and single file Promenades with rant stepping.
My Lady Mary's Pleasure Dave Roberts Two Couples 1981 A three-part dance (Up a Double/Siding/Arming) with lots of Turns, Casts, Crossings and Stars.
The New England Jig Vic Smeltzer Longways; Improper 1958 Baskets and arches.
New Hampshire Contras Various Longways; Improper 1980 Four American contras in an older style.
A New Horyezon Millicent Robertson Three Couple; Longways; Proper 1974 A Playford style dance with a Morris Hey.
Newbury Five Step John Offord Longways; Proper 1986 Nottingham Swing using Five-Steps to a 3/2 Hornpipe.
Newlywed's Reel Jean & Ted Sanella Longways; Proper 1966 Ocean Waves & Single File Promenades.
Ninepins Traditonal Square with a ninth person in the middle 1948 Easy chaotic fun.
Northumbrian Jig Ellis Rogers Square 1956 An English version of the Irish Set Dance Skibbereen Figure Three.
Norwich Castle George Middleton Square 1974 A Playford style Square with lots of Circles and Casts, finishing with Heys.
Nottingham Reel Paul Mee Longways; Improper 1972 Stars, Ladies' Chains & Dip & Dive.
Nottingham Swing Traditional Longways; Proper 1970 Hornpipe Stepping with lots of turns and swings.
The Nova Scotia
The Nova Scotian
Maurice Hennigar Longways; Improper 1967 One of the first contras in a clearly contemporary style.
A Novia Scotia Variant Unknown Longways; Improper 1980 An American Contra from the 1980s.
The Nymph Fred Hamer's interpretation Three Couples; Longways; Proper 1965 Contra Corners using Two Hand Turns.
Oh! Susanna/O Susannah Traditional Square 1956 An easy Square Dance, with singing during the Promenade.
Paper Chains Phil Thorogood Sicilian Circle 1980 Half Stars, Ladies' Chains & Dip 'n' Dives.
The Peterchurch Figure Eight Traditional Three Couples; Longways; Proper 1966 Easy dance with Figure Eights.
The Pleasures of the Town Traditional Triple Minor 1934 A very simple Triple Minor.
Pride of Allerton Pat Cripps Longways; Proper 1969 An easy dance with Foot It and Figure Eight.
The Prince Consort's Rant Pat Shaw Sicilian Circle 1971 Lots of rants and polkas with North Country Ladies' Chains.
Princess' Country Dance David Anderson Longways; Proper 1968 Waves, Ladies' Chains & Polka to progress.
Princess Margaret's Visit Peter Kennedy Square 1955 A demonstration dance involving Reel, Waltzes, Schottisches and Jigs, with obscure instructions.
The Progressive Three Reel Traditional Trios in a Big Circle 1982 Lots of versions, but most involve Heys, Right Hand High & Left Hand Low, and Kissing!
Pussy Cat Gary Cohen Square 1959 Australian 1950's Square Dance.
Putney Bridge Hugh Rippon Longways; Proper or Improper 1970 A Nottingham Swing variant.
Radstock Traveller Barry Gant Square 1967 A sequence of what are now Basic Modern Western Square Dance moves.
The Rifleman Traditional Longways; Rifleman/Becket 1949 Interesting Promenade variation plus North Country Ladies' Chains.
Running Set Traditional Circle or Square 1968 Shoot the Buffalo and Right Hands 'Cross
The Russian Ballet Traditional Trios in a Big Circle 1982 Lots of versions, but most involve Heys, Right Hand High & Left Hand Low, and Kissing!
Saint Giles' Gate Norris W. Winstone Longways; Proper 1973 Competition winning dance in Playford style.
The Saint Helen's Jig Vic Smeltzer Longways; Improper 1962 Ocean Waves & Assisted Casts.
Saint Nick's Jig Phil Thorogood Circle Mixer 1980 Easy dance, as long as the dancers know which way to turn in a Cast!
Saraband Waltz Traditonal Sicilian Circle 1970 A Waltz Country Dance variant.
Sheep Hill Traditional Longways; Proper; About Five Couples 1960 Lots of Galloping, including a Double Cast Gallop.
Sibyl's Roundabout Les Wootton Circle Mixer 1972 Individual Chassées and lots of Alamo Waves.
Sicilian Circles Traditional Sicilian Circle 1954 A sample, plus the concept of making new dances in this formation.
The Siege of Ennis Traditional Mescolanza 1954 A variation of The Tempest.
Silver Celebration Anne Clayton Longways; Four Couples; Proper 1965 Circles, Casts & Figure Eights.
Silver for the Matthews Pat Shaw Three Couples; Longways; Proper 1975 Morphing from lines to a circle with arches and chains.
Six Reel Traditional Square of Trios 1938 Lots of polkaing around the set.
Six & Sixpenny Rant University of Manchester Folk Dance Society Three Couples; Longways; Proper 1970 Orbits, Figure Eights and an interesting progression.
Solent Jubilee Square Dance Mabs Addison Square 1978 An easy Square with mainly Basic Modern Western Square Dance moves, including a Grand Square.
Spaelimenninir Reel #4 Larry Jennings Longways; Improper 1980 An American Contra from the 1980s with Tidal Waves.
Spanish Waltz Traditional Square or Sicilian Circle 1948 Simple repetitive waltz-time dance with many variations.
Speed the Plough (American Version) Traditional Longways; Improper 1941 Early American contra.
The Spring Thomas Bray (1699) Longways; Proper 1989 Francis T. Worrell provides a smoother interpretation.
Square Dancing Helen Kennedy Square 1939 Divide the Ring, Indian File & The Star.
Star Inn John B. Hyland Longways; Four Couples; Proper 1984 An easy dance with Stars, Gallops, Arches and Swings.
Step and Fetch Her Sam Bennett Longways; Proper 1948 Easy dance, plus an older version with the two men fighting over the ladies.
The Stockton Long Dance Dave Turner Longways; Proper 1972 Circle, Leads, Ladies' Chains & a Right & Left Through.
Stoke Golding Country Dance Traditional Longways; Proper; for four to six couples 1956 An archetypal Strip the Willow dance.
The Surrey Hornpipe Thompson, interpreted by Henry Garfath Three Couples; Longways; Proper 1976 Casts, Allemandes and a Morris (Turn-Out) Hey.
The Sweets o' May Barry Moule Four Couples; Longways; Proper 1977 An easy dance in a traditional style.
The Swedish Dance Traditional Longways or Sicilian Circle in Trios 1934 An easy dance with a Polka Swing.
Swing Your Opposite Lady Maud Karpeles Square 1953 An easy mixer with lots of swings.
Sybil's Roundabout Les Wootton Circle Mixer 1972 Individual Chassées and lots of Alamo Waves.
The Tempest / La Tempête Traditional Mescolanza 1954 Easy moves in a Four Facing Four Formation, with many variations.
Ten Year Tested Colin Hume Five Couples; Longways; Proper 1989 Stars & Galloping to ten-bar music.
The Thames Valley Diamond Pat Shaw Becket Quadruple Minor 1971 Morphing to a square with polkas, Right & Left Throughs and Ladies' Chains.
Three Dance Games Traditional Circles 1966 Fool in the Middle, Greensleeves and Kendal Guild.
Three Meet Traditional Longways or Sicilian Circle in Trios or triple Minor 1934 An easy dance with a Polka Swing.
Three Reel Traditional Three dancers in a line 1938 Step, dance a hey, repeat until exhausted.
Timber Salvage Reel Ralph Page Longways; Improper 1954 An easy American contra dance.
Timothy Turtle Alan Gibson Three Couples; Longways; Second Couple Improper 1974 Lots of simultaneous action, with a disorientating ending.
Tom Pate Traditional Mescolanza 1954 A variation of The Tempest.
Trip to Barford Peggy Cash Four Couples; Longways; Proper 1969 An easy dance in a traditional style.
A Trip to Richmond Kate Riley Longways; Proper 1966 Leads and Crosses.
A Trip To Uxbridge Colin Hume Three Couples; Longways; Proper 1979 Colin's first composition!
The Triumph Wilson, 1817 Longways; Proper 1966 Two men make an arch over a lady - lots of versions.
Tuesday Child Brian Jones Longways; Proper 1968 Half Figure Eights, Ladies' Chains & Down the Halls.
The Twenty Ninth Of May Playford 1686, interpreted by Colin Hume Longways; Proper 1985 Part of a detailed article about interpreting Playford.
The Twentyfive Year Jig John E Smart Longways; Indecent (Second Couples Improper) 1977 An interrupted Ladies' Chain!
Up With Aily Playford 1703, interpreted by Pat Shaw Longways; Proper 1959 Versions by Sharp and Shaw.
Varsity Rant University of Manchester Folk Dance Society Three Couples; Longways; Proper 1970 Orbits, Figure Eights and an interesting progression.
Walpole Cottage Pat Shaw Sicilian Circle; Trios 1964 Double Contra Corners/Strip the Willow plus Heys & Baskets.
The Waltz Contra Dance Barry Moule Longways; Proper 1976 An easy waltz-time dance with Chassées, Allemandes and Twirls.
The Washington Quickstep Traditional Longways 1948 Standard figures; lots of variations.
The Waves of Tory Traditional Five Couples; Longways; Proper 1955 Dip & Dive.
Ways of the World Vermont 1794 Longways; Triple Minor; Proper 1966 Grimstock Heys and Eyes-Only Right & Left Throughs.
The Weobley Figure Eight Traditional Three Couples; Longways; Proper 1967 Figure Eights with the man and lady following different Figure Eight patterns.
The Wessex Assembly Jack Pragnell Square 1976 Playford style dance with an Open Star Promenade chorus.
Will Kemp's Entry into Norwich Norris W. Winstone Longways; Proper 1973 Contest winning dance in Playford style.
The Willow Tree Hugh Rippon Longways; Eight Couples; Proper 1968 A great dance with a Strip the Willow from both ends simultaneously.
The Winkie Reel Mike Whiting Four Couples; Longways; Proper 1976 A dance in a traditional style, with two couples galloping through the set at the same time!
Winster Galop Traditional Three to Six Couples; Longways; Proper 1939 Double Cast & Shoulder-Hold Swing.
Witch Doctor Australian Square 1959 Australian 1950's Square Dance.
The Yellow Rose of Texas Ron Smedley Square Mixer 1963 Circles, Promenades and Chains.

Feedback is very welcome on any aspect of these dances or Web pages.

Please contact
John Sweeney with your comments.
