Useful Links

Kent Ceilidhs

Kent Ceilidhs Lively barn dances to great live bands!

UK Contra Clubs

Contra Corner Mailing List contra-corner is the mailing list for anyone interested in the promotion and enjoyment of contra dancing in the UK.
Alcester Contras A series of folk dances in the American style, in Warwickshire.
Ashford (Middlesex) Contras
Bristol Contras
Brummie Contras Energetic Sunday afternoon contra dancing in Birmingham.
Cambridge Contra Dance
Chilworth Contras A 'New England' Contra Dance club near Southampton.
Contrabridge A contra dance series in central Cambridge.
Edinburgh Contra Dance Monthly Saturday contra dances.
Exeter Contra Dance
Lancaster Contra
Leeds Contra Dance
The London Barndance Company This is the place for great dancing - American-style contras and squares, with a few trad and modern numbers thrown in for good measure. Top-class bands drive the dance, and clever callers guide the moves.
Sheffield Scratch Contra Wonderful contra dances on the first Thursday of the month.
Solent Contra Dances Monthly on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
Webfeet Dancing on the Web: English Ceilidh, Folk Dance, Barn Dance, Contra, Cajun, French/Breton, Morris...

Worldwide Contra Links

What Is Contra Dance? Although it's fun beyond words, we explain it in several ways.
CDSS - the American Country Dance and Song Society For almost 100 years, connecting people who are interested in English and Anglo-American traditional dance and music. Lots of useful resources and links.
Contra Dance Links Contra Dance / Contradance in the United States, Canada, and the World.
Contra Syncretist This is a web site for all of the contra dancers out there who have ever thought to themselves, "What if I added this to make this dance even cooler?" Or, better yet, "I added this, and it was really cool, and I want it to catch on! Come look!"

Kent & South-East England Dance & Music Links

Folkestone National Dance Group Recreational group concentrating mainly on European Folk Dances.
International Folk Dancing The activities of the Bognor Regis International Dance Ensemble, also hosting sites for other South Coast Groups.
Kerry Fletcher Dancer - Performer - Teacher - Choreographer
Traditional dance, from the couple dances of Europe to percussive dancing of the Appalachian mountains.
Pamela's Music Antique, vintage and modern (used) acoustic musical instruments for sale from a large collection, for both collectors and musicians.
Sussex Folk Association Directory of Folk Music and Dance Clubs in East and West Sussex.
Tanglefoot Appalachian Cloggers One of the few Appalachian teams in the south east of England and the only team in Kent.

Other Dance Links

EFDSS The English Folk Dance and Song Society has, for over a hundred years, worked to record, develop and promote the folk music, dance, song and traditions of our country.
Friends of English Dance The preservation, encouragement and promotion of English folk dance is at the core of the Friends of English Dance mission. Directories and resources..
Authentic Playford Project Some reconstructions from Playford's original instructions.
Modern Jive Find your nearest Ceroc/LeRoc/Modern Jive club.
Great tutorial videos.
Lists of all major Modern Jive holidays, weekenders and competitions.
