Tuesday Afternoon Dances
in Maidstone, Kent, UK

Dancing for Fun!
Folk Dance, Barn Dance, Square Dance in Maidstone
Every Tuesday afternoon from 2:00pm to 3:30pm (doors open 1:45pm)
Maidstone Baptist Church, Knightrider St, Maidstone, Kent ME15 6LP - Maps Below

Only £7.00 for an hour and a half!

Find us on Facebook.

Please note: While things appear to be improving, the pandemic is still with us. Vaccinations and LFTs are appreciated, but not required.
Please stay at home if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or you feel unwell in any other way.


Come and learn a wide range of wonderful dances, from 17th Century Jane Austen style to 21st Century Ceilidh, including Square Dances, American Contras, English Barn Dances, Contra Waltzing and the Polka! Beautiful flowing dances - the best of the old and the new. All danced to fabulous music from both sides of the Atlantic.

Look at the videos to see what it is all about.

Great low impact exercise!

No experience or partner required!

Have fun, get fitter and meet new people!

No need to book - just turn up!

Come to one session, or come to them all!

Frequently Asked Questions
How fit do I have to be?
This type of dancing is suitable for all levels of fitness. Many of the dances are done to a smooth walking step. You can work to your own level of fitness by adding some of the optional stepping that we will demonstrate.

Does it matter if I miss some sessions?
No, even if you can only make one session we will make sure you can join in and have fun. Of course the more sessions you come to the more you will learn, the fitter you will get and the more fun you will have!

Where is it?
The dancing takes place in the large hall at Maidstone Baptist Church, Knightrider St, Maidstone, Kent ME15 6LP, just five minutes walk from the High Street. Entry is through the back of the church's small car park.

Go to the back of the car park and through the gate on the left. Ring the bell - we are not allowed to leave the door open. If you are late please be patient as we may all be dancing - we will let you in as soon as possible.





Do I need to know the dances?
No, the caller teaches the dance and everyone walks through it, then the music starts and the caller calls each move so that you don't have to remember anything.

What Should I Wear?
Whatever you feel comfortable dancing in, there are no rules. Skirts and dresses can look great when you are spinning, but trousers are fine too. Layering is a good idea in case you get too hot.
Make sure you have comfortable flat or low-heeled footwear that you can balance easily in and that won't stick to the floor when you try to spin.
No stilettos please - they won't be comfortable and they might damage the dance-floor.

Do I Need To Bring A Partner?
No, everyone asks everyone to dance, and during each dance you will dance with lots of people. By the end of the afternoon you will probably have danced with everyone in the room!
At these dances it is perfectly acceptable for ladies to ask men for a dance as well as men asking ladies.
Most people ask a different person for every dance and we will be encouraging this. It is lots of fun, you meet lots of people, and you will learn more quickly.